For the fourth week in a row, Saturday Night Live opened its show with Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon lampooning Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. But this week’s sketch featured a third star performer: Tom Hanks, who played moderator Chris Wallace.
“I’m going to start this debate in the quietest voice possible,” Baldwin’s Trump said. “In the past I have been big and loud, but tonight I am a sweet little baby Trump.”
"Sweet little baby Trump." #HanksOnSNL
— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) October 23, 2016
His calm and quiet tone lasted about 30 seconds into the mock debate, when Hank’s Wallace asked about women’s reproductive rights. “They are ripping babies out of vaginas!” Baldwin’s Trump yelled immediately.
“Listen, Chris, I’m glad you raised this topic because what two better people are there to talk about women’s issues?” McKinnon’s Clinton responded. “Me, a woman who has had a child and has taken birth control, and him, a man who is a child and whose face is birth control.”
Trump and Hillary on reproductive rights. #HanksOnSNL
— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) October 23, 2016
Hank’s Wallace also questioned Baldwin’s Trump about the many, many sexual assault allegations against the real-estate tycoon. “Chris, of course I do. I’m completely innocent. I’ve said this before and I will say this again. No one has more respect for women than I do.”
The camera then panned to women laughing hysterically in the audience, then the entire audience laughing, then a larger audience laughing, and then the entire planet laughing.
Donald Trump responds to the sexual assault allegations. #HanksOnSNL
— Saturday Night Live – SNL (@nbcsnl) October 23, 2016
When asked if he would accept the election results, Baldwin’s Trump said: “I will look at it at the time. Because quite frankly, this whole thing is rigged. Even the media. Every day I turn on the news and all of the newscasters are making me look so bad…by taking all of the things I say and all of the things I do and putting them on TV.”
There were also references to Trump’s relationship with Mexico (Baldwin’s Trump referred to the Mexican president as “Señor Guacomole”) and ISIS. But the real highlight might have been Baldwin’s Trump responding to comments from Baldwin’s Trump-supporting younger brother Stephen, who earlier this week criticized Alec’s impersonation as “a little too nasty” and “not very funny.”
“I’m the one with all the heavy hitters supporting me,” he said. “I have the cream of the crop. I have Sarah Palin, I’ve got Chachi, and get this, I even got the best Baldwin brother, Stephen Baldwin.”
Watch the full sketch below.
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