Saturday, September 28, 2024

Rich Trotter

Rich Trotter is a litigation counsel at the New York-based law firm of Feuerstein Kulick, one of the nation’s leading cannabis law firms.

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Alcohol Helping The Marijuana Industry!

Have cannabis leaders, working hard on federal legalization, found a powerful ally?  Is alcohol helping marijuana industry?

The Battle For Adult-Use In New York Moves To The Village

Between now and December 31, 2021, cities, towns, and villages in New York can elect to “opt-out” of the Marijuana Regulation and Taxation Act.

Three Big Questions Following The Release Of The Schumer Cannabis Bill

Few, if any, Capitol Hill observers expect the bill to pass as written.

Will Congress Pass Us A Canna-Tax ‘Hit’?

As the dust continues to settle from the seismic tax reforms passed under the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, the Biden Administration is already discussing another round of tax reform.

Cannabis Rumors On Capitol Hill

It’s impossible to say what a final cannabis-reform bill will look like, but we have gleaned some interesting things from the smoke signals coming from Capitol Hill.

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