Friday, July 26, 2024

Richard Cowan

Richard Cowan is a former NORML National Director and writes Marijuana Weekly News column for LA Weekly.

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Did Marijuana Prohibition Cause The COVID-19 Pandemic?

The suppression of medical marijuana has caused enormous human suffering.

Prosecutorial Misconduct: The Invisible Problem Behind The Police

While I understand the pain behind the calls to “Abolish the Police” etc., I think that they are simplistic and even counterproductive.

Black Lives Matter Is Absolutely Necessary But Absolutely Not Sufficient

The reason that I say that BLM is necessary but not sufficient is because it is much too “conservative” in its objectives.

Drug Overdoses Kill More People In West Virginia Than COVID-19

Trump talks about stopping our “endless wars”, but the Drug War has been going on longer than any of them, and the death rate is higher than all the rest combined.

RIP Lester Grinspoon, The Forbidden Cannabis Professor

Lester’s courage and intellectual integrity will always stand as a rebuke to the cowardice and dishonesty of the medical establishment.

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