Thursday, March 27, 2025

Richard Faulk

Richard studied the history of science as a Ph.D. student at the University of California, Irvine. After grading one term paper too many, he left the academy to concentrate on his own writing—and has never looked back since. While he has written on a wide array of subjects, Richard’s enduring focus has been exploring the points where science intersects with politics, culture, and the arts. That’s the drive that animates his books, Gross America and The Next Big Thing: A History of the Boom-or-Bust Moments That Shaped the Modern World. Richard’s writing on science, medicine, and curiosities both natural and manmade has appeared in or on Mental Floss,, The Huffington Post, and the Discover magazine blog The Crux. He has been an invited speaker at Brooklyn’s Morbid Anatomy and Los Angeles’ Death Salon, and he has been interviewed on NPR, Southern California Public Radio, SiriusXM, and Radio MD. You can also watch him in the season two finale of the Science Chanel series Oddities.

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Mouth On Fire? Here’s How Cannabis Can Help

Researchers accidentally proved that marijuana has the potential to ease the pain of capsaicin, which is the chemical responsible for putting the "hot" in hot peppers. 

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In some places, lighting a doob and second-hand marijuana smoke may attract some discrete side-eye, but less than a cigarette might.

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Can Using Marijuana Actually Lead To Reefer Madness?

The oldest way of stigmatizing a drug is to link it to madness. But can using marijuana lead to a psychotic break? We test the science.

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