Friday, March 14, 2025

Ken Bone Is A Fan Of ‘PreggoPorn’ And Insurance Fraud, Says Trayvon Martin’s Death Was ‘Justified’

Ken Bone’s amazing week has ended, predictably, in scandal. Last night, the red sweatered star of Sunday night’s presidential debate held an an AMA on reddit, where he’s been an active user for years. The only problem is Bone neglected to delete his more controversial comments before revealing his user name to the public.

Bone was, as Gizmodo reports, an active commenter in NSFW subreddits like bodyperfection, RealGirls, and PreggoPorn. He also commented on the hacked Jennifer Lawrence nudes. “Maybe she should have been more careful with her pics, but the bad guys are still the ones who sought them out and looked at them,” he wrote. “By which I mean guys like me. I saw her butt hole. I liked it.”

“Beautiful human submarines,” he wrote about nude pregnant woman in PreggoPorn.

“I never realized the White Power ranger was so beautiful,” he wrote in a thread called RealGirls. “Japanese features, Brazilian curves. She could rule the world,” he wrote in bodyperfection.

More alarming than his harmless, if perhaps unusual, taste in porn and his troubling views on leaked celeb photos is his admission of insurance fraud.

But most disturbing of all are his views on Trayvon Martin, the unarmed black teenager shot to death in 2012 by George Zimmerman. In short, Bone believes Martin’s killing was “justified.”

“From what I read about the case the shooting of Trayvon Martin was justified, but what I’ve learned of Zimmerman through statements, interview [sic], and behavior he is a big ole shit bird,” he wrote. “Bad guy legally kills kid in defense. Sucks for everybody, including us for the media fuckery.”


Reading that last quote makes it all the more amazing that he’s not voting for Trump. Then again:

It’s enough to make you almost feel bad for Ken Bone, who certainly now wishes he could go back to the innocent, old days of $100,000 porn offers and rumors of his ways with the ladies during his time as a Christian rock and roller.

UPDATE: Bone apologized in an email to the New York Times:

“If you read the whole post on the Trayvon Martin tragedy you’ll see that I said based on what I read, which was the release from the D.O.J., the shooting was ruled as legally justified,” he wrote. “It was also an awful thing to happen. Just because it was legal does not mean it was right. I wish Trayvon were still alive.”

On his posts about Ms. Lawrence, he had this to say: “It was a joke in poor taste made from my former anonymity. I take full responsibility for saying it. I wholeheartedly apologize and wish I could do so to her directly.”

Now that he is the opposite of anonymous, Mr. Bone would like everyone to know something: “My message has been one about elevating the level of conversation, and if I want to hold our leaders accountable for their words then I must be accountable for mine.”

Messy breakups, deranged antics, pets gone wild. The Internet car-crash you can’t turn away from. For more Hot Messes, check out Gorilla Escapes From London Zoo, Is Recaptured Before Becoming Meme and “Suck It, Trebek”: How Alex Trebek Fired Up All Of Nerdom With This One Word.


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