Friday, July 26, 2024

Francis DellaVecchia

Francis DellaVecchia is currently a Manager of Better Nature Capital and Cannabis Funding Consultant at Blak Box Group. DellaVecchia works with early and growth stage cannabis companies to guide their capital raising process, whether to accredited investors, or to the larger non-accredited crowd. He also works with the broader startup community, consulting and coaching young companies and entrepreneurs, through his Fix It Francis brand and at Santa Monica’s Expert DOJO. DellaVecchia’s experience in the cannabis landscape dates back to 2004, when he began working with the non-profit Marijuana Policy Project as their first Director of VIP Relations. Francis later became Technical Consultant for Showtime’s hit show “Weeds”. Other cannabis-related work has included as Associate Producer for the documentary “Grass Roots”, assisting with funding for the films “a/k/a Tommy Chong” and “Waiting to Inhale”, and training volunteers for California’s Proposition 19. DellaVecchia is also currently a partner in a venture to bring CBD related products to market.

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