Maria Loreto is an editor for The Fresh Toast. She has experience writing about culture, TV and lifestyle and has written for different publications. She was born in Venezuela and is based in New York.
Some women have some real issues with their vaginas, using words such as 'lady bits' and 'vajayjay' to refer to them. Come on guys, that's super embarrassing.
Police officers in the town of Milton Haynes, England, were in for a surprise recently when, during a routine traffic stop, a driver handed out Homer Simpson’s license instead of his own.
Dating apps have become the sort of bread and butter of dating, especially since there are tons of apps that have more advanced and personalized technology.
Misinformation and the amount of media supporting that misinformation makes it really hard for people to filter out content and separate truth from fiction.
The impending wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is the entertainment bottleneck that keeps on squeezing every last drop of FOMO out of our collective bodies.