Friday, July 26, 2024

Nicole Skrobin

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Cannabis: Optimal Treatment Method For Post-Concussion Syndrome Symptoms

Not everyone who experiences concussions develop a traumatic brain injury. However, roughly 40-80 percent of people who endure a concussion develop post-concussion syndrome.

The Growth Of Cannabis Legalization In Europe: Which Country Is Next?

Due to the plant’s variety of medicinal and therapeutic benefits, more countries have taken an interest in legalizing it.

Treating Pneumonia Symptoms And Side Effects With Medical Marijuana

According to the American Thoracic Society, a whopping one million American adults are hospitalized for pneumonia yearly, with roughly 50,000 cases being fatal.

The Role Medical Cannabis Plays In Treating Diverticulitis

What do abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and inflammation have in common? They’re all symptoms of diverticulitis, which is a painful medical condition that mostly affects people over the age of 50.

Medical Impact Cannabis Has On Eyes And Vision

Despite the seriousness of eye disease, alternative forms of medicine, like cannabis, can help.

Woman Fired For Consuming Cannabis After Work Is Not Going Down Without A Fight

Since Bernadette Coughlin’s drug test revealed cannabis in her system, her employer wasn’t willing to reason with her even though she consumed cannabis after her work shift ended.

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