Friday, March 28, 2025

Taylor Berman

Taylor Berman is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, New York. Prior to The Fresh Toast, he worked as an editor and writer at, an editor and writer at, a staff writer at Fuse, a fact-checker at New York Magazine, an editorial assistant at a medical publisher, a community organizer in Baltimore, and an English teacher in South Korea. He is also a contributing editor at and a co-host of the hit podcast Food on Franklin.

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5 Good Things That Would Happen If The Internet Went Away Forever

This morning, a series of DDoS attacks disrupted access to a handful of the internet’s most popular websites,  including Twitter, Reddit, Etsy, and GitHub. For those of us who depend on Twitter for our jobs (or for...

Chimp in North Korean Zoo Reportedly Smokes a Pack of Cigarettes Every Day

North Korea is a land of great mystery, extremely limited internet, and awful human rights abuses. It is also apparently a place where chimpanzees chainsmoke in zoos. The Guardian reports that officials at the Central Zoo in Pynongyang...

Congrats To Otis, The Fat Bear Champion Of Alaska

Why talk about who won the latest presidential debate when you can talk about who won Alaska’s Katmai National Park & Preserve annual Fat Bear Tuesday contest. Otis, who Motherboard reports weighs “around 1000 pounds,” was crowned...

Val Kilmer Stars In Hypnotic New Video For Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Animals”

Who would’ve guessed that Val Kilmer’s best role in years would be in the glitchy, hypnotic new video for experimental electronic musician Oneohtrix Point Never’s “Animals.” But here we are. The haunting clip shows a haggard Kilmer...

Hero on LSD Breaks Into Neighbor’s House to Save Dog From Imaginary Fire

A heroic guy who loves to party was arrested last week after he allegedly took acid and broke into a neighbor’s house to rescue a dog from a fire that didn’t exist. New York State troopers told WNYT...

Watch a Persistent Duck Chase a Confused Dog Around And Around a Big Rock

Sometimes it’s important to pause and ask yourself the important questions: Is there a God? Why are we here on Earth? Am I living a fulfilling and meaningful life? And why is this duck chasing this dog...

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