Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Taylor Berman

Taylor Berman is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, New York. Prior to The Fresh Toast, he worked as an editor and writer at Gawker.com, an editor and writer at MentalFloss.com, a staff writer at Fuse, a fact-checker at New York Magazine, an editorial assistant at a medical publisher, a community organizer in Baltimore, and an English teacher in South Korea. He is also a contributing editor at Spin.com and a co-host of the hit podcast Food on Franklin.

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Sugar Tit, Balltown, and Butts: Here Are America’s Dirtiest Town Names

Thanks to the people at Estately, we now know the lewdest-sounding town names in each state. The rudest states, in no particular order, are Wisconsin (Dick), Iowa (Balltown), South Carolina (Sugar Tit), California (Rough & Ready), and...

The Roots Welcome Hillary Clinton To ‘The Tonight Show’ With ‘Mighty Healthy’ Cover

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Hillary Clinton: Taco Trucks on Every Corner “Sounds Absolutely Delicious”

Two weeks ago, a founder of the Latinos for Trump group said if Donald Trump isn’t elected president, there will be taco trucks on every corner, like that’d be a bad thing. Last night, Hillary Clinton finally responded to...

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