Friday, March 14, 2025

Taylor Berman

Taylor Berman is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, New York. Prior to The Fresh Toast, he worked as an editor and writer at, an editor and writer at, a staff writer at Fuse, a fact-checker at New York Magazine, an editorial assistant at a medical publisher, a community organizer in Baltimore, and an English teacher in South Korea. He is also a contributing editor at and a co-host of the hit podcast Food on Franklin.

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Poll Number For Marijuana Doubles In Three Years

More Americans are smoking weed than ever, or at least they’re being more honest about it. Thirteen percent of U.S. citizens currently smoke marijuana, according to a new Gallup poll. That figure has nearly doubled since 2013,...

Well-Behaved, Big-Ass Tortoise Returns to Family After Slowly Walking Away From Wildfire

A 75-pound pet tortoise named Tank was reunited was his family recently after he wandered off from their Santa Clarita, Calif., home as a wildfire raged nearby. Aaron Reyes, deputy director of the County of Los Angeles Department...

Warren The Baby Rhino Knows His Name, May Think He’s a Dog This fast little guy is a baby rhino named Warren. We don't know much more about him, aside for the fact that he runs like the wind, responds to his own name, and is close friends with...

Speed Up Your Game and Defy Death With This Golf Cart Jetpack

Golf is a sport of leisure. At its most intense, the game requires only the stamina to swing a light metal club and walk a distance of a few hundred yards. Now, with the invention of the...

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