Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Are You Allergic To Marijuana?

Some people report an ultra sensitivity to cannabis along with symptoms that are very similar to allergies.

Allergies are varied and misunderstood, with some people’s immune systems being unable to process certain substances. These substances can include almost everything you can think of, from different types of foods, drinks and even marijuana. Yes, being allergic to marijuana is a thing.

According to estimates, around 10% of people have an allergic reaction to marijuana. These can vary, with some doctors believing that piercing red eyes, runny nose, itchy skin, hives and sneezing could be some of the symptoms.

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The degrees to which people react to the plant vary from case to case, sometimes occurring when they come in contact with the plant, ingest it orally or smoke it. Asthma and other lung problems have also been reported as marijuana allergy symptoms.

what I learned attending a cannabis and sex workshop
Photo by Kirill Vasikev/EyeEm/Getty Images.

While most of these side effects sound like standard allergies and not much to worry about, some people report much more serious symptoms, like diarrhea and vomiting when marijuana is ingested orally. For people with these type of sensibilities having contact with marijuana in any shape is a bad idea, especially when mixed with foods like bananas, almonds, tomatoes and other fruits, since compounds in the different elements can interact and result in anaphylaxis. This condition causes plenty of serious symptoms including shock and difficulty breathing.

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Since there’s not a lot of research available on marijuana and allergies, there’s no clear way of treating these conditions. There’s also no way of knowing if CBD or other marijuana compounds could cause these same reactions in people with these sensitivities. If you’ve ever felt strange and uncomfortable while interacting with the plant, it’s best to visit a doctor and get a skin prick test or to steer clear of it. There may be some sort of immunotherapy developed in the future.


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