Let it be known that trolling a police department’s Facebook page won’t put you in good standing with the law. The West Yorkshire Police Department threatened to arrest users who were poking fun at a Facebook post from the law enforcement agency. According to the Daily Mail, West Yorkshire officers posted a picture regarding a laughably small amount of marijuana they’d picked off a young man.
“You’re a clown,” wrote one user. “Hope you manage to nail Pablo Escobar this afternoon” added another.
One user sarcastically commented, “Wow that’s put a dent in the war on drugs lol.”
West Yorkshire Police are threatening to prosecute people who mocked photos they uploaded to Facebook of a tiny cannabis busthttps://t.co/FIjGf4MmXK … pic.twitter.com/2bUhVjd9EC
— Release Drugs – @releasedrugs.bsky.social (@Release_drugs) May 11, 2018
As you might imagine police were none too pleased about the jokes. Individuals were banned from Facebook page and anyone who was “insulting, abusive, or offensive” would be located and prosecuted.
“Unfortunately we have had to ban a number of people from using this page today,” read the PD’s statement.
“I would like to remind everyone that this is a Police page and whatever your thoughts on one of my officers seizing drugs in the community, being insulting, abusive or offensive can and will result in a prosecution under the Malicious Communications Act 1988.”
You can no longer access the police department’s Facebook page, so maybe the trolls won this one?