Friday, July 26, 2024

Despite CBD’s Popularity, Americans Still Don’t Understand Its Effects And Capabilities

There’s always been some confusion when it comes to the differences between CBD and THC. The latter, and much more famous compound, has been the subject of dozens of pop culture references and discussions; the former is only now acquiring some recognition.

On the most basic level, the difference between THC and CBD is the fact that one gets you high while the other one doesn’t. CBD or cannabidiol, produces relaxing and therapeutic effects without producing that high feeling, an element that has allowed the compound to be used in many products with manufacturers not having to worry over the legal aspects that tend to cripple cannabis.

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CBD’s rise over the past year has been well documented. Experts say its business could be valued at $22 billion by the year 2022. The New York Times wrote an article discussing the compound’s current popularity, and the fact that it’s been added into every product imaginable, ranging from dog treats to shampoo and skincare products. Celebrities have jumped aboard the CBD business, endorsing products and creating lines of their own. “Right now, CBD is the chemical equivalent to Bitcoin in 2016,” says Jason DeLand, board member of Dosist.

Having read all of this, you’d think that a respectable amount of people would have tried the compound or would know what it is, but there’s still a lot of misinformation that surrounds it.

A survey conducted by Mashable demonstrates that no matter how many times people stumble upon CBD-infused products or read the name in all sorts of headlines, they probably don’t know what it is if they’re not actively involved with cannabis.

RELATED: Is CBD A Rising Star Or Just Popular Fad?

This survey contacted over 2,000 people on January 2019, and showed that only 19 percent of Americans have tried CBD infused products. 61 percent of the subjects surveyed don’t even know what CBD means. A small cluster of people, 13 percent, have tried CBD products without knowing its effects.

It seems like the problem with CBD remains ignorance. People who know of its therapeutic effects are the ones who are interested in purchasing these products and learning more about them.


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