Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Is It Possible To Hallucinate After Using Marijuana?

Cannabis is often associated with chilling out, watching some TV, having great conversations and the munchies. It’s a friendly drug that gets you to your comfort zone and helps you let go of anxieties. THC, one of the major components of cannabis, is psychoactive, which means that it stimulates your brain. Does that mean you can hallucinate after using marijuana? We’ve done some research:

There are all types of cannabis users that have their own opinions when it comes to the herb and hallucination. Some people smoke every day and have never hallucinated, while others have smoked a few times and have “tripped” and seen crazy things. First, we need to know the definition of a hallucination, which is when we see things that aren’t physically there. Marijuana newbies may confuse some of the regular side effects of the drug, like paranoia, blurry eyes and slow vision, with a hallucinatory experience. When your body feels this symptoms in an extreme way, it probably means that you’re just too high. It’s always important to listen to your body and know when you’ve hit your limit on cannabis.

Now that we know what a hallucination is, here are some of the reasons why your cannabis may produce some real hallucinatory experiences:

Laced Marijuana

If your cannabis is not fully cannabis then that means that it could’ve been laced with anything. Marijuana is sometimes laced with other drugs, like molly and crack, and with other chemicals and synthetic drugs. This mixture can trigger hallucinations and atypical responses from your body that can be very dangerous. If you think that this is the case then go to a doctor right away. 

Consuming Cannabis With Other Pharmaceuticals

A lot of people don’t think that there’s any risk in pairing marijuana with other synthetic drugs, but cannabis can produce different and dangerous reactions when consumed with SSRIs, seizure medications, blood thinners and others. These pairings can produce some serious side effects like internal bleeding, low blood pressure and drowsiness, so always keep your drugs separate.


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