What is Marijuasana? And what sets it apart from other cannabis wellness events?
Marijuasana incorporates cannabis and mindful movement. It’s unique from other wellness events because Marijuasana emphasizes the use of full spectrum hemp extracts and hemp seed tea alongside THC-based cannabis. Also, I am an experienced movement teacher and teach more than just yoga, so the class you take from me is not typical. The movement is somatically based. This means that cues are given in order to help you become aware of the experience inside yourself, rather than receiving a rote set of instructions about what shape you’re supposed to be making with your body.
What sparked your interest in teaching Marijuasana?
I was inspired to teach mindful movement out of a desire to heal my own body. The practice completely changed my life and made me a happier and more fit human being. Incorporating cannabis allows us to feel sensations within our bodies as we move in an innovative way. When I realized that CBD provides an even more enhanced version of this felt-sense, I wanted to share this with everyone, especially those who still identify with the stigma. Knowing we can experience these benefits without intoxication means that, perhaps, more people will open their minds and bodies to hemp and hopefully soften their resistance to cannabis.

What health & wellness benefits do you see when combining yoga with cannabis?
On a physiological level, you may feel increased circulation, increased proprioception, and more discerning interoception, as well as less soreness due to a decrease in inflammation and spasmodic activity in the muscles. On a psychological level, you may feel a profound shift in your perception of wholeness. When we are able to sense and move parts of ourselves that may have gone dormant or numb from lack of use, gaining the ability to feel them again can give you a more complete picture of your structure. This can help you integrate emotions you may be suppressing and promote the processing of those feelings. Psychologically, this translates to an overall integration of your consciousness and a deeper understanding of self.
What types of yoga work best with cannabis?
Personally, I prefer more controlled and slower paced yoga. I dislike physically active classes where I feel like the teacher is asking me to throw myself around in order to keep up with their instruction. Most styles of hatha yoga are the best fit for integrating cannabis, but I am trained in more concentration-based forms of movement instruction. This is, of course, just my opinion. Others may find that they love doing more spontaneous and fast paced yoga with cannabis.
Why do you choose tea infused with CBD for your class?
I choose tea because of the social and ritual nature of tea service. With Marijuasana, it’s my intention and goal to make guests feel welcome, seen, and included in the group. Marijuasana is about changing the landscape of social use with cannabis. Any class is an event where people come together and share space. Too many yoga classes are conducted with a militaristic and intense vibe where people sit on mats, barely acknowledging each other. At the opposite end of the spectrum, some classes involve forcing the group into awkward group hugs. My class provides a middle ground, while inviting you to venture out of your rectangular piece of real estate.
Beyond the social use aspect, I add a few droppers of Bluebird Botanicals’ full spectrum hemp extracts to every pot of tea I serve in addition to offering samples of their oils. By ingesting the oils that come off the hemp seed in the tea, you’re giving your body another opportunity to be nourished with cannabinoids via a different delivery method.
Are there stains of cannabis work well for yoga?
Just like various strains work for various symptoms, I’ve found that the same holds true for yoga. With Marijuasana, my goal is to empower you by bringing attention to your own body and your own experience. Stop looking outside yourself for the answers and get curious about what you’re actually experiencing within. If you’re totally unsure where to start, check out your favorite hybrid strain and observe whether it’s working for you. Make a note of its effects and experiment with the results next time.

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What other resources have you found that have been helpful in developing your cannabis and yoga class?
My Pilates training has been a wonderful resource in terms of teaching aligned movement to a diverse group of people. Books on yoga and movement that I’ve drawn inspiration from are The Inner Tradition of Yoga by Michael Stone and Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain. For information on cannabis, I’ve been reading the Cannabis Health Index by Uwe Blesching. Also, I am taking online courses from the Trichome Institute’s THC University. Aki Omori is an amazing yoga teacher that I base so much of my sequencing on. Beyond that, by far the best resource has been my personal practice. All the external knowledge in the world only goes so far in possessing true wisdom, which is true of most things. Consuming cannabis and then moving my body is my greatest teacher.