Monday, February 10, 2025

Wait, What Does Organic CBD Actually Mean?

The strict protocols and rudiments employed in the production of organic CBD help to ensure that no filler and adulterants are added into the production process.

CBD is the second most popular cannabinoid derived from the cannabis plant and much of its popularity has been on the back of its numerous medicinal benefits. These medicinal benefits of CBD also account for the legalization of hemp-derived CBD in a lot of states in the US.

Although it is still illegal federally, this beneficial hemp extract has been infused and incorporated into different products, such as oils, creams, lotions, and transdermal patches. CBD products are classified into full-spectrum, broad-spectrum, and isolate depending on the presence of other cannabinoids. However, CBD can also be classified into organic and non-organic CBD depending on the process of cultivation, handling, and harvesting.

It is possible for some users of CBD to not have noticed the fact that there are organic CBD products and non-organic CBD products. However, there are and the products differ in terms of method of production as well as effects. It is a general belief that organic products are probably healthier while non-organic products are cheaper.

Organic CBD

Organic CBD refers to CBD derived at a higher standard compared to the non-organic alternative. As seen with organic fruits and vegetables, deriving an organic product has a lot of rudiments applied to it. It involves the process of growing the crops, the harvesting process, the extraction process, and final handling and storage. For an agricultural product to be labeled organic, it needs to pass through some specific conditions and requirements put forward by the US Department of Agriculture. These conditions and guidelines start from the field and end at the stage of storage and final processing of the product.

How to produce organic CBD

The first stage of producing organic CBD starts from the field where the hemp is to be grown. The soil to be used in growing the crop must not be treated with organic-prohibited substances like pesticides. The soil must have also not been treated with such substances 3 years before the hemp cultivation process commences. This ensures that the soil maintains its integrity and heavy metals and detrimental chemicals have not compromised its uniqueness. It is also important that no synthetic additive is added to the soil to boost the growth of the crop.

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Photo by IRA_EVVA/Getty Images

The treatment of the soil to be used goes beyond just keeping synthetic substances away from the soil. For organic products to meet guidelines stipulated by the USDA, the soil must be maintained through cultural practices such as crop rotation, use of natural fertilizers, and tilling of the ground. These practices ensure that the soil maintains its biological and chemical profile and it also limits infestation by insects and other pests. For organic CBD to be derived, there must be a total prohibition of the use of genetically engineered seeds in the cultivation process.

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From the protocols and conditions of the field, the next set of conditions apply to the harvesting process. At the harvesting process, stricter protocols than those placed on the field are experienced. It generally involves the harvesting process from the field and the handling and storage process off the field. The USDA has a National List of Allowed and Prohibited substances and all substances that fall under prohibited mustn’t be allowed to come in contact with the crop. All noni agricultural ingredients that do not conform to the list should be excluded from the harvesting and storage of the products.

Role of personnel

Production of organic CBD largely depends on the effectiveness of the personnel on the. Their roles are very important as it applies to quality control and good production process to achieve the desired final product. Care must be taken by the personnel to ensure that during mixed crop harvesting, organic and non-organic CBD products are completely separated. It is also their role to be attentive to ensure that prohibited and non-organic substances are not allowed to come in contact with the crop products. This ensures that cross-contamination does not occur which will nullify the essence of the whole exercise.

how is CBD oil made
Photo by Evopure CBD via Unsplash

Importance of organic CBD

The benefits of organic CBD will not be fully understood if one doesn’t consider the care and thought applied towards producing the products. The exclusion of synthetic products like pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, and other chemical influences helps to maintain the integrity of the components of the soil. It also ensures that the full spectrum of the cannabinoids and other phytochemicals are available without being contaminated with chemicals. The presence of these cannabinoids ensures that the entourage effect of the cannabinoids is fully effective and gives rise to more medicinal effects.

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The strict protocols and rudiments employed in the production of organic CBD help to ensure that no filler and adulterants are added into the production process. It begins from the cultivation process to the extraction process and ensures that the identity of such products can be trusted. The product is devoid of heavy metals and consists of natural substances that give rise to beneficial effects that further enhance the effectiveness of the product. The plant doesn’t get to absorb toxic chemicals and materials that may be detrimental to the health of those that use the product.

Organic CBD is also important for sustaining the environment due to the processes involved in its production. The use of organic practices is as beneficial to the plant as it is to the environment. It helps to reduce soil erosion, infestation by insects and pests, increase soil fertility, and reduce pollution.

Bottom line

Organic CBD offers the medical benefits of CBD which include:

Granting relief from pain

Reducing inflammation

Promoting calm and relaxation

And promoting quality sleep

Finally, note that organic CBD is produced through strict protocols to ensure it provides the needed health benefits of CBD without additional harmful effects.

This article originally appeared on and has been reposted with permission.


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