Applying CBD directly to the skin allows cannabinoids to attack problem areas directly at the source, which is why the majority of users treat CBD topicals as medicine.
By now, most people are probably familiar with CBD gummies and vapes, but topicals are slowly beginning to gain popularity, too. They’re easy to find and come in a variety of different forms, from lip balms to lotions. But what are CBD topicals and why the hype?
Although the CBD market is currently unregulated by the FDA, CBD products became federally legalized following the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, which legalized the growing of hemp nationwide.
Since then, the market for CBD topicals has been hot and shows no signs of slowing down. The question is whether or not they’re worthy of all the buzz.

What Are The Ingredients?
CBD topicals typically contain a base of essential oils along with a mix of CBD extract and other plant extracts. There are two types of CBD topicals consumers should be aware of: full-spectrum and broad-spectrum. While full-spectrum products consist of the full plant, and all its natural chemicals, broad-spectrum CBD products contain everything except the THC contents present in full-spectrum products.
When it comes to CBD lotions, it’s not uncommon to find that many of them are similar to every other type of lotion that’s already on the market. They feature ingredients such as aloe vera, shea butter, and almond oil to provide a soothing experience that also possesses qualities that complements a skincare routine.
How Does It Make You Feel?
As is the case with most cannabis-related products, images of CBD topicals may lead the mind to consider them simply as nothing more than skincare products for stoners, but the reality is that they have no psychoactive effects whatsoever. While the case is likely different for THC topicals, applying CBD topicals won’t lead to a consumer getting high. Even full-spectrum CBD topicals contain less than 0.3% THC content.
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The reality is that many people use CBD topicals for medicinal purposes (research pegs that number at 62%). CBD balms are effective when it comes to treating a number of medicinal conditions like chronic pain because applying it directly to the skin allows cannabinoids to attack problem areas directly at the source.
Who Should Use CBD Topicals?
CBD topicals can come in handy for numerous people, such as those who are suffering from arthritis or anyone on the lookout for a new moisturizer. CBD topicals solve a wide range of problems for people, which is one of the contributing factors in their rise in popularity in recent years. Additionally, they’ve even shown evidence of helping people who suffer from serious skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis.
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Anyone suffering from chronic pain who isn’t gettin results from their current relief methods could benefit from giving CBD topicals a try. The same can be said for people suffering from skin conditions typical lotions and skin creams can’t usually solve.
CBD topicals have opened the door for hemp to help countless people, so there’s nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving them a try.