Paris Jackson, daughter of Michael enjoys marijuana and isn’t shy about it.
She appears in the cast of the recent marijuana-themed ensemble crime comedy “Gringo” (though whether that is a weed film or not is up to dispute). And on a Monday post (which has since been deleted), she showed a video of herself … relaxing. With weed. The horror!
The Twitter manners mob — as usual forgetting their dictionaries — entered the fray. And of course, they had to go there.
Paris your Father would nevee allow you to smoke that. Think of how upset he’d be..
— Chrissy (@k9lover48) March 12, 2018
Ms. Jackson (not to be confused with the other one) got nasty right back …
i know of a few parents that actually rely on this amazing organic medicine to keep their children alive since the alternative pharmaceutical drugs that doctors were shoving down their throats was basically killing the poor little ones ??
but hey, to each his own.
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) March 12, 2018
… dropped some science …
try googling “narcotics” “big pharma” and then google “cbd” then get back to me, i’ll be sitting here eating granola and watching scooby doo
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) March 12, 2018
… and played celebrity budtender …
i think it depends on the person, the strain, and/or the cbd to thc ratio. it’s an incredible medical tool that a few universities in some states are finally starting to use in studies ?
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) March 12, 2018
It. Is. On.
And thus another Twitter exchange featuring heat but no light was born.
Epilogue: It seems as if her cannabis-related Twitter news flashes don’t stop there …
second time this week someone ashed in my soda pop without telling me and i drank from it. ??
— Paris-Michael K. J. (@ParisJackson) March 1, 2018