Saturday, September 7, 2024

12 All-Too-Perfect Quotes Overheard During SXSW

SXSW throws people from the tech, business, film, music and more and expects the proceedings not to get weird. But here’s the thing: It gets weird. In such a large crowd, surrounded by others they assume are from their industry, someone might say something that seems ridiculous out of context.

So that’s exactly what we did. Disclaimer: Every individual deserves context and it’s fundamental to…

You get the point or either don’t care. Both are fine. We’re all here to enjoy the quotes. So enjoy.

“I don’t understand entertainment.” —A woman, dressed business casual, on the first day of SXSW.

“I promise my outfit will be better tomorrow.”  —A 20-something woman, outside Mashable House.

“Dude, I love excel!” —Some tech bro, wearing an Oxford button down, in the National Geographic lounge.

“Is there free booze in there?” —An honest man and his friend, seeing the line outside the IBM Lounge.

“Gee, Mike, way to quantify a film.” —Group of friends leaving Opening Night film Song to Song.

“Is it just me or is it anti-Buddhist to charge for meditation sessions?” —Man waiting in line for Win It All, examining the Modern Buddhism building across the street.

“You’re like the most popular person here.” —A girl at the parlor room party.

“Looks like it’s going to cost 2000 a night to stay here in town, with that money they could fly from Miami to New York and back again and still come out ahead” —A man in athletic attire on the phone walking down 2nd street.

“Saving $20, that’s what art’s all about.” —Two artists outside the Austin Convention Center.

“I’m between dogs, as they say. It’s okay. It is what it is.” —An older man at the Pet rescue lounge.

“The last time we played South By Southwest was 1999.” —Jimmy Eat World frontman Jim Adkins.

“My life is not content!” —Me, said entirely too earnestly.

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