Friday, July 26, 2024

13 Life Lessons ‘Seinfeld’ Taught All Of Us

Let’s get this straight: Seinfeld is a “show about nothing,” a sitcom that examined those infinitely small life moments that perhaps matter most.

It’s why Seinfeld so often felt revelatory. Heck, it continues to feel revelatory. Every time you watch an episode you can’t help connecting with a social faux pas or a deep-rooted emotional response to something small like eating at a Chinese restaurant.

All this is to say that Seinfeld taught us a lot—about the characters, but also about ourselves. That’s why Hash Night asked users on social media what Seinfeld taught them. It turns out, more than you think.

Here’s some important and funny things Seinfeld taught us.

Maybe Don’t Wear Skinny Jeans

How to Say “Hello”

Good Naked vs. Bad Naked

On Dancing

How To Enter A Room

“It’s Not A Lie If You Believe It”

Don’t Be A “Close Talker”

Be Ready With The Comeback

Napping At Work

Eating Pretzels? Have A Beverage On Hand

On Reservations

Be Wary Of Family Members On Holidays

…But The Only Holiday You Should Celebrate Is Festivus


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