After hearing reports of a mountain lion on the prowl near a park, the Gardner (Kansas) Police Department installed two trail cameras to monitor the area. The idea sort of worked, in that the department caught some very unusual wildlife on video, including a coyote, a skunk, and… apparent drunkards dressed as gorillas, Santa, and some sort of monster.
The department wrote on their Facebook page that they were “surprised by some of the images that the cameras did take” and that it’s now “attempting to identify some of the wildlife and activity in these images.”
From what we can tell, they recorded one coyote, one skunk, one person in a weird monster mask with long hair, one person in what appears to be a Sasquatch suit, one person in a white coat with a walker, one Santa Claus holding a beer, one person in a full radiation suit/mask, one little raccoon, one woman wearing a terrifying Krampus mask, and at least two people crawling around on the ground in white gorilla costumes.
“We would like to sincerely thank the persons responsible as it made our day when we pulled up what we expected to be hundreds of pictures of coyotes, foxes and raccoons,” the department wrote on Facebook. “Thank you to the citizens who noticed the cameras. Your effort and sense of humor are greatly appreciated.”
The best news of all? The department found no evidence of mountain lions, though to be honest the one monster mask is scarier than any sort of natural predator.
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