Tuesday, May 7, 2024

4 CBD Products Marathon Runners Should Add To Their Training ASAP

Marathon runners are no strangers to pain. After all, you don’t have the grit to train for 26.2-mile races without running with sore muscles, tightness, and the occasional black toenail along the way. Still, if you’re passionate about running, you push through any and all pain until you’ve met your goals.  

But if there’s any way to ease your running aches, you should embrace it, of course! That means regularly getting massages, using your foam roller, and now, adding some CBD to your training routine. CBD may help runners by reducing inflammation, soreness, and pain. Here are a few ways to incorporate it into your training so you can up your running game.   

CBD protein powder  


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You might already enjoy a protein-powder drink or shake after your runs, but we bet you haven’t tried a CBD-infused protein powder just yet. They are worth a try, though, because protein powders with CBD can help your muscles recover thanks to the protein and they are also are anti-inflammatory. That can help reduce soreness quicker. Plus, in flavors like chocolate and vanilla, you won’t mind drinking up.  

CBD balm  


healing balm can be a runner’s best friend: Helping with everything from knee pain to soothing tired and achy feet. An oil-based CBD balm is quickly absorbed into the skin, so you’ll feel some relief almost immediately. Try rubbing it on your knees, feet, and hamstrings (or anywhere you feel tight) after a training run. You can also try it on chapped skin or blisters to start the healing process.    

Coconut water  


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You come back sweaty and exhausted from your runs, and the first thing you want to do is re-hydrate as quickly as possible. If you like to reach for coconut water (which is a smart choice because it is filled with electrolytes!) it’s time to add some CBD to your favorite hydrating beverage. This unique coconut workout supplement just needs to be mixed with water (and if you want, add lots of ice) and because it’s a drink, you’ll absorb the benefits quickly. This is also a smart choice if you tend to get nauseous after long runs, because CBD can help you with nausea, too.  

Muscle and joint relief cream  


Once you’ve crossed the finish line and the race is over, unfortunately your pain may only be beginning. It can take several days or even weeks to recover after a marathon and to get over the soreness and achiness you’re feeling. A CBD cream works topically to help with any pain and help muscles and joints relax. Plus it is infused with menthol, which will have a nice cooling effect on any areas feeling hot or inflamed.   


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