Thursday, October 17, 2024

What Are Americans’ Views On Cannabis In General? New Poll Reveals

By Vuk Zdinjak

Jushi Holdings Inc., released the results of its inaugural “4/20 Cannabis Insights Poll,” which surveyed 1,100 cannabis and non-cannabis consumers in the U.S., 21 years or older.

The national poll — conducted by the independent market-research provider Pollfish, commissioned by Jushi and overseen by associate professor at ArtCenter College of Design, Interaction Designer, Futurist and Jushi experience director Julian Scaff — revealed that more than half of cannabis consumers tried “legal cannabis” for the first time in the last 12 months.

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Photo by Goodboy Picture Company/Getty

The Plant, Policies and Legalization

Majority of respondents support pro-legalization politicians: 61.0% of the respondents stated they were more likely to support politicians who are pro-legalization.

More than 76.1% of the survey respondents stated that they agree that the Department of Veterans Affairs should update its rules to allow access to medical cannabis with a doctor’s prescription.

When asked “how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Federal banking restrictions should be lifted so that American cannabis companies can have equal access to banking services,” 67.6% agreed.

Majority says cannabis is important for growing local economics: 62.6% agreed.

When asked “how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The cannabis industry is important for growing the U.S. economy,” 61.5% agreed.

More than half feel cannabis creates high-quality jobs for Americans: 56.6% agreed.

RELATED: Here’s How Many Americans Want To See Marijuana Legalized, New Poll Reveals

When asked, “how much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “cannabis overall has a positive impact on society,” 59.0% agreed.

Consumption & Consumer Behaviors

67% Have purchased cannabis from a dispensary: When asked “are you now or have you ever been a consumer of legal cannabis purchased from a dispensary,” 42.2% answered “yes, currently,” 24.7% “not now, yes in the past” and 33.1% replied “no.” After this question, cannabis consumers and non-cannabis users were split into two groups for several questions.

Majority tried legal cannabis for first time in the last year (55.2%).

When cannabis consumers were asked “what is or was your primary reason for using cannabis,” medical came in at 31.4%, followed by stress (22.4%), general wellness (17.5%), recreation (15.9%) and sleep (12.8%).

medical marijuana
Photo by thegoodphoto/Getty Images

Medical would be the top driver for non-cannabis users: When non-cannabis users were asked “what is the primary reason you would want to try a cannabis product,” 26.1% chose medical, followed by stress at 23.4%, which came in neck-and-neck those stating that they would not be interested in trying a cannabis product (23.1%). 10.7% answered they would try for wellness, 8.5% for sleep and 8.2% for recreational use.

When asked “what type of cannabis product would you be most interested in trying first,” non-cannabis users answered as follows: edibles (32.7%); I’m not sure (27.8%); smoking (17.6%); vaping (6.9%); tincture (3.9%); tablet (3.6%); drink (3.0%); and other (4.7%).
Most cannabis consumers consume 1 to 2 Days a Week: 30.7% of cannabis consumers stated that they consume cannabis 1 to 2 days a week; 28.1% stated every day; 23.6% stated 3 to 4 days a week; and 17.5% stated 5 to 6 days a week.

RELATED: Poll: One-Third Of Parents Think Consuming CBD Is Same As Cannabis

Most consume in the evening: When asked “what times are you most likely to consume cannabis,” the majority of respondents stated “evenings” (28.8%), closely followed by 26.9% stating “whenever I need it.” 18.8% stated “any time,” while 18.5% cited “weekends” and 7.1% chose “weekdays.”

Consumers need more education: When participants were asked, “how familiar are you with different cannabis flower strains?” 59.7% claimed that they were a “novice” or “had a little knowledge” to “some knowledge.”

This article originally appeared on Benzinga and has been reposted with permission.


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