Saturday, September 7, 2024

Netflix Just Invented A Way To Watch Shows With Your Brain Waves

In our modern world, is there any image more shame-inducing than Netflix asking “Are You Still Watching?” Don’t worry because Netflix is working on a device to increase your laziness one step higher.

Introducing MindFlix, a wearable headband that allows you to choose and control Netflix with your brain waves. A cohort of the company’s engineers tinkered with a Muse headband, a wearable gadget that monitors brain waves, much like a heart monitor tracks your heartbeat. They also outfitted the headband with a motion sensor device to create the device they’re calling MindFlix.

To clarify, Muse doesn’t read your brain. It doesn’t know what you’re thinking. Instead it tracks neural activity in the frontal lobe. Here’s what we can tell: By stimulating your brain with thoughts of “I wanna watch this,” it will activate the device to start watching whatever program you’re currently hovering on.

Information is limited regarding the device. It was crafted during Netflix’s seasonal hack day, a regular event where employees gather to experiment with new ideas and possibilities. So it’s not part of Netflix’s official technologies yet. Still, the idea of not leaving your couch and changing the program without moving seems pretty tantalizing.


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