Saturday, September 7, 2024

Why Kathy Bates Thinks Marijuana Is ‘So Much Better Now’

To paraphrase Michelle Obama, “When they go low, we get high.” So proclaimed Kathy Bates in a recent interview with Stephen Colbert on the “Late Show.”

Bates, as you likely know if you read this site, is the star of Netflix’s new cannabis workplace sitcom “Disjointed.” The Chuck Lorre production wasn’t our cup of dosed tea, but it does mark a mainstream passage for conversations regarding cannabis. Bates sat with Colbert to discuss the show, and boy did he have some questions about how Bates researched in preparation for the role.

“Pot is so much better now,” Bates proclaimed. She also discussed having a cannabis consultant on set, who goes by the wonderful name of Dr. Dina 420.

But perhaps the most wonderful anecdote Bates shared with Colbert revolved around why you shouldn’t share a joint with a stranger—even if that stranger is someone like Bill Maher. At Penny Marshall’s birthday party, Bates enjoyed a small hit of Maher’s joint. But the situation wasn’t as fun as it sounds for the actress.

“I don’t even remember what happened. It was just insane,” she said. “I had to get talked down by one of the other people at the table. She had to hold my hand and say, ‘It’s OK. You’re going to be alright. Really, honey, you’ll be fine. Just breath.’ It was horrible.”

Let that be a lesson for all you mooches out there.


Chill Out With This Healthy Marijuana Beet Lemonade

Why not chill out with this healthy marijuana beet lemonade - fun, delicious, relaxing and good for you!


Habitual Marijuana Users Can Have THC In This

Researchers are sure what is means yet, but habitual marijuana users can have THC in this.

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