Saturday, September 28, 2024

Sneak Peek: iPads With iOS 12 Will Be Bananas

An Apple developer recently tweeted a screenshot of iOS 12 code that may suggest that Apple will be launching a new iPad with Face ID, but that’s just the beginning.

Steven Troughton-Smith explains that the new iPad will likely feature the AvatarKit, which is the technology that allows people to create and use Animojis and Memojis. To be able to use the AvatarKit, your device must have a TrueDepth camera, which is then able to scan and do a 3-D model of your face, allowing it to digitally copy your facial gestures.

According to The Inquirer, this might also mean that the new iPad may get rid of the home button, which could be a little frustrating for a larger device that sometimes uses a keyboard and mouse.

It’s possible that a larger part of Apple products will start featuring Face ID, which has been received positively by audiences. Other features that iPads may adopt include the iPhone X gestures, which are shortcuts for doing different things, such as unlocking your device with a top to bottom swipe.


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