Saturday, September 7, 2024

Oscars Cancel New ‘Popular Film’ Category Because Everyone Hates The Idea

A few months ago, the Academy Awards adopted some new rules and regulations in order to try and make their institution better and more inclusive. Ratings have been an ongoing struggle for their awards show, with this year’s Oscars being their least watched yet. Desperate times called for desperate measures, so the Academy decided to create an award for the year’s most popular film, leaving film lovers, critics, directors, producers, and actors angry and confused. Many wondered what was the meaning behind a “best popular film” award, and what the difference was between that and the year’s “best film”.

“I wasn’t expecting that kind of knee-jerk reaction, largely from journalists,” the Academy Awards president told Hollywood Reporter. “I don’t know why that happened because these are the same people who have also criticized the Academy for being quote unquote irrelevant and not actually addressing the taste of people that go to the movies.”

According to The New York Times, the most popular film of the year award won’t be making an appearance in next year’s Oscars. “There has been a wide range of reactions to the introduction of a new award, and we recognize the need for further discussion with our members,” says the Academy’s chief executive. Still, this category may show up in a couple of years. The Academy hasn’t solved any issues and is looking messier and messier by the minute, unable to find an answer that pleases everyone and that remains within their comfort zone.

While change is necessary for the Academy Awards to remain relevant, this awards show has always been very niche, long, and tedious. Maybe audience’s tolerance for gowns and extravagant things has lowered, and maybe people want to see real change instead of handing out pity awards to superhero movies. A small list of suggestions for a better show include: 1) A host that hasn’t already hosted the Oscars before 2) Giving the job to someone who’s not a comedian 3) New categories that shake up the industry and provide good opportunities for creators and 4) Definitely not asking Jimmy Kimmel to host the Oscars for the third year in a row.


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