Friday, March 14, 2025

Taylor Berman

Taylor Berman is a writer and editor living in Brooklyn, New York. Prior to The Fresh Toast, he worked as an editor and writer at, an editor and writer at, a staff writer at Fuse, a fact-checker at New York Magazine, an editorial assistant at a medical publisher, a community organizer in Baltimore, and an English teacher in South Korea. He is also a contributing editor at and a co-host of the hit podcast Food on Franklin.

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Minnesota Town Reelects Dog Mayor for Third Term

Three years ago, a small Minnesota town discovered the secret to political harmony and prosperity: They elected a damn dog mayor. Now the dog, Duke, has been elected to a record third term in office. Duke, a nine-year-old...

Woman Asks Burly Firefighters to Crawl Through Her Window For Her 105th Birthday

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Koko The Gorilla Charms Flea With Terrible Bass Skills

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BBC Accidentally Airs Couple “Having Sex” On Rio Beach During Olympics Broadcast

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Everything You Need To Know About The DEA’s Refusal To Declassify Marijuana

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Smug-Ass Dolphin Snatches iPad From Deserving Victim

Most people know you shouldn’t use an iPad to take a photo anywhere, much less right next to the dolphin pen at SeaWorld. One woman didn’t know this but now she does, thanks to a quick-thinking dolphin that...

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