Friday, July 26, 2024

Marathons and Marijuana

Marathons are the pinnacle of the running world.  They are tough, expensive and can take a toil on the body – but can cannabis help?

Roughly 1.2 million people participate in marathons each year.  It is an endurance sport which makes demands on your body and mind.  Running the 26 miles 385 yards is both grueling and exhilarating. People travel to Chicago, Paris, Rome, New York and Boston for marathons for the rush they receive upon completion.

The “runner’s high” is no myth as the hormonal aspect of marathon running plays a big role in why people participate. Running is known for giving athletes a rush of endorphins, and crossing the finish line after an hours long race can be described by some as euphoric.  Can a combined marathon and marijuana be better? While it is prohibited by office and there is a chance for a test, training is the longer journey.

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The concept of smoking marijuana before going on a run might sound misaligned to some, but many who engage in this popular form of exercise claim the herb allows them to be “more present,” and makes the miles of roadwork more enjoyable. The run, the play list, and cannabis can help the mind during the journey. It can also play a role in recovery.

Marathons and Marijuana
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The mindfulness some find with the usage of weed can create an even more enjoyable headspace while running. This can result in more of a motivational drive to run farther and longer.  You will want to do a trial and error to make sure you hit the perfect head space.

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Once the race is over, there is another rough part, the recovery.  Cannabis is known for being anti-inflammatory, which is key for your body after harsh event. It is also muscle relaxer, which can help reduce pain or muscle spasms after the event.

Th legend of the Athenian courier Pheidippides, who in 490BC ran from the site of the battle of marathon to Athens with the message of Nike (‘Victory’) before promptly collapsing and dying. The ancient Greeks used cannabis in their medicine, religion, and recreation.

Around 2500 years later the idea of recreating the run hit Baron Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the Modern Olympics. A 40km marathon was held at the first inaugural Modern Games in Athens in 1896 as Greek water-carrier Spyridon Louis struck gold in a time of 2:58:50 to launch the marathon phenomenon. The Boston Marathon was started shortly afterwards.

Marathons are a symbol human drive, determination, and spirit, and cannabis, done right, can help with all.


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