Friday, July 26, 2024

Marijuana Could Help Women With FOB

With between 38-63% of women dealing with this issue – it seems medical marijuana could help.

Female Orgasmic Disorder (FOB) is something effecting between 38-63% of women at some point. It involves difficulty in achieving orgasm, substantially decreased intensity of orgasm, or both. While with most, it happens occasionally, for FOB it the presence of either of the following symptoms and experienced on almost all or all occasions of sexual activity.There is a marked delay in, marked infrequency of, or absence of orgasm, a markedly reduced intensity of orgasmic sensations, and the symptoms have persisted for a minimum duration of approximately 6 months.

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The good news is there are treatments and one of them is available to most in the United States.  Yes, medical marijuana can help women with FOB.  In studies, marijuana use is associated with improved sexual function among female users.  The type and method of consumption does not impact outcomes. A gummy can relax a woman and help overcome the issue.

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The body’s natural endocannabinoid system is key in regulating things like pleasure, pain, relaxation and homeostasis. When it is activated by the cannabinoids in cannabis, it can leave users feeling relaxed with increased pleasure and decreased pain.

To highlight the issue, commonality, and acceptance. a committee of the State Medical Board of Ohio voted recently to seek expert opinions on whether medical marijuana could help patients with female orgasmic difficulty disorder. In addition, Illinois, set to meet next month about adding FOD as a qualifying condition, while New Mexico is slated to consider the issue in May, according to organizers at the nonprofit Female Orgasm Research Institute. Connecticut, too, is looking into the addition, the group said, though no meeting date has been set.

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If you are working there FOB, starting out with a small amount of cannabis to help with the use. It is recommend smoking or vaping to learn how to use cannabis for this issue. Starting out edibles can hit differently in potency and timing, potentially making for an   uncomfortable experience.


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