Monday, September 16, 2024

Player Says 9 Out Of 10 NFL Athletes Use Marijuana

It is popular and has medical benefits – and is the worst kept secret!

One of the worst kept secrets in the NFL’s is players use marijuana. Despite it increasing popularity, acceptence by the mainstream public and medical benefits, the NFL forbids it.  But Former tight end Martellus Bennett revealed on a past episode of the “Bleacher Report” podcast about use when hosts Chris Simms and Adam Lefkoe asked if over 70 percent of the league uses cannabis.

“I want to say about 89 percent,” Bennett said.

RELATED: Willis McGahee Joins Other Former NFL Pros In Marijuana Activism

One of the hosts was surprised by the number, as that indicates over four out of every five NFL players smoke marijuana. Bennett was then asked if he’s more surprised when a teammate doesn’t smoke weed. “Oh you don’t smoke, bro?” he replied.

Bennett explained how dangerous and addictive painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs can be—which is why more players now turn to marijuana. In fact it’s why former and current NFL players have advocated for the league to remove cannabis from its banned substances list.

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“There’s medical marijuana,” Bennett said. “So it’s like, there’s times of the year where your body just hurts so bad, but you don’t want to be popping pills all the time. There are anti-inflammatory drugs you take so long that they start to eat at your liver, kidneys and things like that. A human made that. God made weed.”

NFL players are only subject to testing for marijuana and other drugs of abuse from April through August. Once a player passes that test, he won’t be subject to another test until the following year.


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