Monday, June 17, 2024


The Police Dog That Didn’t Bark For Democracy, But Did Against Medical Marijuana

Let’s be perfectly clear. The supporters of the insurrection are also opposed to marijuana reform.

Does The Cannabis Industry Have A Double Standard With Science?

Naysayers of the nug are worried that borderline apocalyptic times are coming from increased efforts to legalize the leaf.

DC Police Chief’s Bizarre Claims About Marijuana And Violence As Libertarian Billionaire Shows The Way 

“I can tell you that marijuana, undoubtedly, is connected to violent crimes that we’re seeing in our community," said Robert Contee. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article solely belong to the author and do not necessarily represent those of The...

Which Market Leaders Will Make Up The Cannabis Industry Space Race?

The uncertainty leaves lots of room for ample speculation and hypothesizing. Here's what industry experts think.

The Tide Is Turning: Investing Around The Schumer Cannabis Reform Bill

iI’s time for the Senate to address banking and taxation issues that can allow the industry to be built on a more solid foundation.

Is Marijuana The Cure-All We Want It To Be?

With a substance steeped in so much controversy, it’s no surprise there’s an overwhelming amount of conflicting information about marijuana’s benefits and risks.

The Drug War Is A Global Disaster That Americans Can No Longer Ignore

The U.S. cannot just forget the role that it has played in fomenting the violence of the Drug War.   

Will Hemp Be The Next Cash Crop For Farmers And States?

From synthetic blood proteins to clothing, building materials and more, hemp offers another world of alternatives.

FDA Approves Expensive Alzheimer’s Drug And Continues To Ignore Cannabis

The Alzheimer's Society has never funded research into cannabis as a potential treatment for dementia symptoms.

Sen. Chuck Schumer’s Federal Legalization Bill Falls Flat With Marijuana Industry

It's the first time a majority speaker of the House has ever introduced a cannabis legalization bill.

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