Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Watch The Wrestling Rumble That Broke Out On An NYC Subway

You truly don’t know what you’ll see on an NYC subway. Insane, disgusting, and hilarious sights will be seen on the subway. Yet somehow nothing quite compares to the first Subway Royal Rumble.

Yes, a full-out wrestling brawl broke out on the subway and it’s about as real as any other wrestling match ever televised. The video is the concoction of comedian Tim Hann Rivera, who recruited some other entertainers to participate in his subway wrestling parody.

It’s actually clever in hitting all the right notes. You’ll see The Undertaker, The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and more, the comedians riffing the on the wrestler’s iconic moves. The audio commentary is quite funny as well. How these guys pulled it off for so long without getting kicked off the subway is a miraculous feat as any thing else.

A necessary reminder: Just don’t try this at home.


Sherry Is Becoming A Thing Again

Emerging from cameos in Black and white movies, sherry is becoming a thing again...especially in the craft cocktail scene.


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