Kylie Jenner is known for her random and sometimes oblivious comments. The sort of comments that you’d read on an anonymous board and instantly recognize the author. “That’s so Kylie,” you’d say.
last night i had cereal with milk for the first time. life changing.
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) September 19, 2018
On September 18th she tweeted that for the first time in her life she’d tried cereal with milk. That’s right, Jenner, a 21-year-old mother, had never tried cereal with milk in her life. Okay. We’ll believe her. Stranger things have happened even though I can’t think of a single one.
The minute she made the announcement Twitter had to make a thing out of it, with users asking her hundreds of questions such as the type of milk, the type of cereal, and most importantly, why?!
Kylie Jenner had answers for all.
i always liked cereal dry i never bothered to put milk
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) September 19, 2018
Regular. Should i try almond next time?
— Kylie Jenner (@KylieJenner) September 19, 2018
While Kylie’s attitude was nothing but positive, all sorts of users had to jump in and roast her. Some made comments on how Kylie’s supposed to bring awareness to important things, and how she has a large following of fans that will listen to her. Others gave her food recommendations, and others were disbelieving. A mix of all of the above is appropriate, even if Kylie has the right to try all sorts of basic foods at whatever point in her life.
Wait till you try peanut butter and jam.
— Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen) September 19, 2018
— Candace Amos (@CandaceAmos) September 19, 2018
How she’s used to eating it
— Julio Salazar (@jtotheulio) September 19, 2018
Buttttt biscuits and gravy tho ??
— Jenelle Eason (@PBandJenelley_1) September 19, 2018
It appears that Kylie is still realising things
— Carly Heading (@carlyylalaa) September 19, 2018