The first trailer for Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame released last Friday. It broke a 24-hour viewing record with 289 million views across YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. The previous record holder? Marvel’s Infinity War, though Endgame only broke Infinity War’s record by 60 million views.
This has been a buildup a decade in the making, so you could say fans were anticipating the trailer’s release, in other words. Internet sleuths and detectives alike have broken down every possible Easter egg and plot detail possible to find. The trailer’s opening, however, has pushed fans to question none other than NASA for not doing more to help…Tony Stark.
“If you find this recording, don’t feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end,” we hear Stark say, as he records a message for his love, Pepper Potts. “Being adrift in space with zero promise of rescue is more fun than it sounds.”
The image of a hapless and helpless Tony Stark didn’t sit well with fans, so they began reaching out to anyone they could find to help, including NASA.
Me knocking at NASA'S headquarters if they don't save my boy, Tony stark
— Aditi (@inkedpapers) December 9, 2018
ppl be mentioning nasa to save tony stark omg
— jey (@samanthalison) December 9, 2018
Not for nothing, NASA paid attention. They heard Mr. Stark’s emergency call for help and had some simple advice for how Marvel could save your boy.
Hey @Marvel, we heard about Tony Stark. As we know, the first thing you should do is listen in mission control for “@Avengers, we have a problem.” But if he can’t communicate, then we recommend ground teams use all resources to scan the skies for your missing man
— NASA (@NASA) December 9, 2018
Don’t worry, though. We’re totally sure Marvel’s biggest superhero will have an ignoble ending in the biggest movie event by slowly fading away to nothing on screen. Surely no one will appear to save him when he least expects it. Right?