If there’s one self-sufficient organ it’s the vagina, who’s capable of giving birth and taking care of itself by having bacteria that’s responsible for its regular functioning. Your vagina doesn’t require a lot of extra help aside for some basic hygiene and logical maintenance. A lot of people don’t know this and do a lot of unnecessary things that can damage their lady parts when they’re only trying to be healthy.
Here are some of the most popular missteps some ladies commit when it comes to the maintenance of their private bits:
Cleaning The Inside Of Your Vagina
No. No, no, no, no.
There’s a myth that says that vaginas clean themselves and in a way, this is kind of true. If you get vaginal douches or go crazy while trying to clean the inside of your vagina, you’ll be getting rid of healthy and necessary bacteria which will leave you exposed to different diseases and infections. Douches also leave your vagina super dry, so don’t.
Not Cleaning Your Vagina At All
This is where the self cleaning vagina myth gets tricky. Just because you don’t need vaginal douches doesn’t mean that you don’t need some basic maintenance. The outer parts of the vagina are exposed to urine and are very close to your anus, so you should pay as much attention to it as you do to other sensitive and important parts of your body, like your face.
Water and gentle soap should do the trick for when you’re at home and non fragrant wipes for sensitive skin for where you’re on the go.
Using The Wrong Kind Of Soap
Gentle soaps are the way to go, stay away from the ones that are strong smelling, deodorized and colored. The soaps you’re supposed to use shouldn’t have a lot of ingredients and they should be super super simple.
Itchiness down there can happen for a million reasons but it’s important to avoid scratching at all costs and to find the root and original cause of the problem. By scratching yourself you’ll only irritate your vagina more, which’ll lead to more scratching and an endless loop of itchiness and pain. Ouch.
Wearing Sweaty Clothes For Long Periods Of Time
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Sometimes when we get home from the gym we’re feeling super lazy and we just want to sit on the couch and chill for a couple of hours but DON’T DO IT. Vaginal yeast infections are super common and this is a sure way to get one, because they thrive and grow in moist environments. Wearing sweaty and tight clothes for long periods of time is like asking to get one of these infections.
There are over the counter medications for one time vaginal infections, which are cool, but when the issue becomes a recurrent one and the problem keeps popping up, you could be making things worse. Go to the doctor!!
Crappy Toilet Paper
We all know crappy toilet paper is cheaper, which is great, but this kind is generally scratchy and can irritate your sensitive skin.
No Foreplay
Not having the proper lubrication for intercourse can be truly awful for your vagina, producing some uncomfortable and unhappy sex. It can also lead to abrasions and tearing of the vaginal walls, which is even worse. You should always be properly lubricated before you move towards the next step of foreplay.
Wrong Lube
Using lube is super helpful and important, but it’s hard to find the right one that fits and suits you. Be sure to try out different kinds and to see what works best for you.
Not Getting Tested
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It can be hard to know if there’s something wrong with your vagina, so it’s important to visit the doctor frequently, especially when things are getting stranger than usual down there. Getting tested for STIs after having sex with a new partner is a must, because symptoms can be confusing and hard to pinpoint.
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