Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Here Are Our 10 Favorite Marijuana Memes Of All Time

Even with all the toxic stuff online these days, the internet still produces some good things, like marijuana memes. And what could make a meme funnier/more appropriate for a marijuana-themed site than memes that involve weed? Below are 10 of our absolute favorite cannabis memes.

Intergalactic battles and traveling at the speed of light are just the sort of movie concepts that stick with impressionable young smokers, which explains the prevalence of Star Wars-related weed memes.

No list would be complete without a reference to the stoner archetype, Jeff Spicoli.

Michael Phelps, who was famously photographed with a bong, is the winningest Olympian of all time, as the meme below reminds us


Dad-ish wordplay and weed produce some wonderful memes.

Who doesn’t know this exact feeling?


Math is an important skill to learn.

One of the most important questions of our time.

More good wordplay.


Cool Ice Cream Cocktails For A Heat Dome

Caught in the crazy heat? Here are some cool ice cream cocktails for a heat dome happy hour!


Do You Know The Marijuana Emoji

Do you know the marijuana emoji? It is a bit of secret for those in the know....but here you go.

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