Three or four times a year, Mercury leaves its orbit. Some believe this moment is the perfect time for energies, relationships and, for some reason, electronics to go crazy. In the midst of all this turmoil, your life can hit a rut — at least, that’s what some people say.
This year’s second Mercury retrograde began on July 26, and the period will end by August 19. Before you go and hide for almost an entire month, remember Mercury retrograde is a great opportunity to heal and improve yourself during tough times. Bustle compiled a list of all the things you could do during this period of time to make the most of Mercury’s annoying wanderings. Check out five of our favorites:
Use your journal
Journaling is great, especially in times of stress and turmoil. This tool works best when you feel like something is off in your life and can’t find the source or the imbalance. Write out your feelings for a few days and you might start to notice a pattern.
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Buy cute notebooks and pens to help you get inspired and commit to spending a few minutes a day with your new journal.
Spend time in nature
Since you can’t trust your electronics, try going outside and unplugging from them completely. Hikes and walks are great ways to stay in shape while also providing scenery that’s not as boring and repetitive as hitting the gym. These spots are also great for reading or self-reflection.
Make resolutions
It’s like New Years except it’s not. Try to think about your past resolutions and whether you accomplished any of them. If you did, that’s awesome. If you didn’t, welcome yourself to the club and try one more time. It’s never too late to improve and to work for your goals, no matter how difficult they might seem at first.
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According to Bustle, Mercury retrograde can help you find honesty, which is great when you’re making resolutions that are realistic and helpful for your life.
Figure out your real passions
Take a look at your life and see if everything you’re doing and everything you’ve achieved is something you truly want and feel passion for, or if it’s simply where life has taken you. You don’t have to quit your job or do anything extreme; try a new hobby, or find something new that makes you happy and fulfills your life in one way or another.
Keep track of your finances
It’s hard to log into your bank account and take a deep breath and look into where you spent your last paycheck, but Mercury retrograde is the perfect time to be honest about your expenses without experiencing any judgement. Set limits for yourself if you’re spending too much money. Make a list of all the expenses that aren’t necessary and that do more harm than good.