Friday, October 18, 2024

6 Pro Tips To Prep Your Closet For Fall

The change of season is usually a sign for a much-needed closet spruce up.

A city with changing seasons is a city with an evolving sense of fashion. No matter how small the change, whether the temperature will be dropping soon or you’ll simply be experiencing more rain, a change of clothes is a nice motivator. And there’s no better way to stay motivated than to make sure everything is running smoothly in your closet.

Cleaning out your closet is never the most fun of activities, but it’s one you’ll be thankful for later. Here are 6 pro tips to prep your closet for fall.

Clean out items you don’t use

The first step in cleaning out your closet is having an idea of everything that’s in it, from the useful pieces to the things you’ll no longer be using. Make sure to donate items that are still serviceable and to throw away those that are old or ripped. Be honest with your clothes and don’t hoard things simply because you’re too lazy to go to your nearest Goodwill. At the end of the day, clothes are just stuff, and they’re pretty easy to forget and replace.

Wash and make sure everything looks good

Photo by KaoruYamaoka via Pixabay

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Don’t be surprised to find stains and weird-looking stuff on your new season clothes. Go over these items and run them through the washing machine, ensuring that they’re ready to wear the moment you need them. Now that you’re washing, make sure to also wash the clothes you’ll be storing, that way you avoid pests, mold, and damaging your clothes.

Make sure your clothes are prepped

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Photo by Anastasia Zhenina via Pexels

Fall and winter clothes are more elaborate than summer clothes, having more parts that need attention. Make sure your buttons are in place and that your boots and shoes are weatherproof. Make an appointment at the dry cleaners for items that need extra attention, like expensive sweaters and coats.

Clean your shoes

Photo by Dương Nhân via Pexels

While we tend to wash our clothes more often, our shoes don’t get the same treatment. Take advantage of this opening to clean them, making sure that there are no holes or damages. If there are, make sure you buy what you need, something that will prove useful and that you’ll also want to wear during the coming season.

Be organized with your space

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Photo by Patrick Perkins via Unsplash

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Now that you’ve organized your clothes and have your stuff ready for the season, try your best to keep it that way. While this doesn’t mean that you can’t shuffle things around every now and then, limit the mess you make every time you visit your closet. Something that works, at least when it comes to work outfits, is to take stock of your closet at the start of the week and plan a few outfits ahead of time, eliminating a lot of time spent deliberating on outfits and providing openings for disorganization.

Store clothes in a dry and dark place

6 Tips To Prep Your Closet For The Fall
Photo by Sarah Brown via Unsplash

Lastly, once you’re putting your out-of-season clothes away, make sure you store them in a dry and dark place. This will help you preserve your space, something especially advantageous for people who live in apartments with limited closet space and will also preserve your clothes. Good storage options include clean and unused suitcases and garment bags for delicate items, which you can hang in an out-of-the-way section.


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