Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Why Getting Cheated On Might Actually Be Good For You

Oftentimes, there’s nothing more crushing than being cheated on by someone you loved. But, according to new research, a two-timer might be the best thing for your well-being.

According to a recent study, the real benefit of being at the receiving end of an unfaithful partner is the fact that he or she is  no longer in your life. Let the next significant other have them and be glad it’s not you.

The study, by way of Business Insider, relied on data from nearly 6,000 people from 96 countries and found that the worse the subjects rated their break-up, women take the breakup harder, but get over it in a healthier way — cry, dwell, and vent to their inner circle. Conversely, men tend to go into denial mode and move on without dealing with the fallout.

Results also show that the person who was cheated on tends to benefit more from the breakup than if they had never been broken up with in the first place.

That’s because  they’re no longer with a dirtbag and will likely have better perspective when entering into their next relationship. After six months, according to the study, women who were cheated on had higher emotional intelligence and higher self-confidence, while men who had been cheated on developed “stronger personalities.”

The study’s authors say be glad it’s the other woman or man and not you that now has to deal with the cheater’s undealt with emotional baggage, adding:

Evolutionarily, sexual promiscuity is often a short-term strategy, for while at that moment a woman may have ‘won the battle’ by accessing additional resources, building future intersexual alliances, or successfully poaching a mate, she could be ‘losing the war’ by engaging in reputation-damaging behavior that will reduce her ability to acquire a long-term mate of high quality in the future.

Think of the person your SO ran off with as doing you a favor. And then go pour yourself a glass of wine.


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