Getting that familar skunky, dank smell out of your home after you smoke up just got a ton easier. A new paint has hit the market that claims to get the weed stench out of your walls, while also cleaning the air. Say, what?
The incredible new product comes from Ecobond Paint. And it not only works on marijuana smell, but also cigarettes, fire, pets and anything else that comes with a distinct smell that tends to permeate a room.
It’s called OdorDefender and it’s made with all-natural ingredients.
Related Story: What’s That Smell? Why Your Marijuana Smells Skunky
As Paul Barthel of EcoBond explained via press release:
The formulation includes resins, food-grade mineral additives, and alginate from seaweed; nature’s most effective absorber of toxic pollutants. This powerful combination gives the peace of mind that odor issues will be sealed and blocked, while protecting human health.
The seaweed is the ingredient that cleans the air because it gives off oxygen.
According to the press release:
- In 2016, the CDC reported that 37.8 MILLION U.S. adults were current cigarette smokers. This represents an estimated 14,590,800 households impacted by cigarette smoke.
- In 2016, Gallup reported that over 40 MILLION U.S. adults say they smoke pot. This represents an estimated 15,440,000 households impacted by pot smoke.
“Our intention was to help homes where the smoker might still be living, or that has been vacated,” Barthel explained to Green Rush Daily.
Related Story: 4 Ways To Eliminate Marijuana’s Scent
GRD reports that in the process of developing the paint, Ecobond performed years of testing, and that “at one point, they left marijuana burning for days to test the paint would absorb the smell.”