Friday, July 26, 2024

Can You Get The Flu Shot And COVID-19 Vaccine At The Same Time?

At the start of the year, medical experts suggested that people getting the COVID-19 shot should wait 14 days before getting any other shot. Here’s what they’re saying now.

Cool weather makes it easier for viruses to spread. When it’s cold out, the majority of people prefer to spend as little time indoors as possible, usually meeting up with friends in indoor bars, apartments or places where they can do stuff. With COVID-19 (or any virus) in the mix, this creates the perfect breeding place for contagion.

Is it possible to have the flu shot and the COVID-19 booster at the same time? When you’re a kid and you’re getting vaccinated, it’s common to get different shots, one after another. But is it the same with COVID-19.

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Photo by Kelly Sikkema via Unsplash

COVID-19 booster shots will start to become widely available on September 20. A few months ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) used to recommend a wait period of 14 days between the COVID-19 vaccine and any other vaccines, making us all a little wary of its possible interactions with other elements. Add that to the surprisingly debilitating side effects of the shot, and it’s okay to ask yourself if your two shots should overlap, or if you should prize COVID-19 above the flu shot.

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Fortunately, following the full approval of the COVID-19 vaccine, health experts are now sure that it’s very very unlikely for there to be adverse reactions when getting multiple vaccines at a time.

“Experience with other vaccines has shown that the way our bodies develop protection, known as an immune response, after getting vaccinated and possible side effects of vaccines are generally the same when given alone or with other vaccines,” says the CDC.

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The COVID-19 vaccine is pretty new, so some wariness is understandable, especially if you coped with some intense side effects during your first or second time getting the shot. The answer is up to you; while it’s totally safe to get both shots, adverse side effects might be more likely, and both of your arms might hurt a bit. 

Still, the flu shot remains a priority. Getting that immunization will give you some peace of mind, making it less likely to catch a disease during the winter time, in a moment when there’s a variety of viruses on the rise.


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