Monday, March 17, 2025

Pornhub Reveals Most Popular ‘Avengers’ Character Searches

Avengers: Endgame’s influence has no limits. Toppling world box office records and prompting superhero hater James Cameron to send out a congratulatory tweet, it seems like the franchise has done all it can in order to completely permeate pop culture.  To show you how popular it is with adults, Pornhub reveals most popular Avengers character searches.  It will be curious to see who gets a spin off movie.

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Pornhub released some stats on their trends and searches, showing that Avengers characters began to have some influence over their website starting April 16. Searches peaked on April 26, the day of the film’s release, with an increase of 5,188% in searches. For comparison purposes, last year during Infinity War‘s release there was an increase of 300%. It looks like the end of the Avengers franchise sparked a little more than just nostalgia.

Unsurprisingly, the first two spots of the list were occupied by female superheroes, with the first one being Captain Marvel and the second one being Black Widow. These two are followed by Spider-Man, who must have some curious porn, and Hulk, a puzzling choice but also, not really. People are freaky.

Since the beginning of the year, sex and gender discussions have surrounded the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The MCU is looking to cast a gay actor for a lead role in The Eternals, and Endgame was the first film of the franchise to introduce an openly gay character – a move that was heavily criticized online. The film was also the first that spent a significant amount of time praising Captain America’s butt.

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The release of Captain Marvel also opened the door for more discussions on representation, receiving praise for it’s focus on female relationships and giving fans plenty of room to speculate over Carol Danvers’ sexuality. Adding fuel to the fire was her haircut in Endgame.

No matter people’s thirst and readings on Marvel characters, for the time being, they’re going to have to settle for porn spoofs. Pornhub is more than happy to oblige.


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