Monday, January 20, 2025

5 Strange Ways You Can Contract An STD Without Having Sex

To avoid STDs, hopefully, everyone follows the basic rule of using adequate protection when engaging in sex. What people don’t know are these less than obvious factors that can increase your risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. Be aware that these are not scientifically proven, but that several major studies have found enough evidence for them to be a little alarming.

Don’t go crazy if you do one of these, but definitely take these facts into account:

Skipping Out On Lube


You may think that lube is an unnecessary hassle, or something that is mainly used by old people, but it’s not. Dryness, aside from being super uncomfortable and not sexy, can cause tears in the vagina, which is what leads to STIs in the first place. Also, extra lube keeps condoms from breaking, which is an interesting tidbit you might’ve not known before.

It’s important to know that there are different types of lube and that they have different effects. Oil based lubes are not good for condoms because they damage the latex. Water based lubes are the way to go. 

Shaving Your Nether Regions

Some people believe that shaving your vagina equals to having a better hygiene but that’s not true when it comes to STDs. Shaving is a sure way of tearing your skin, which again, leads to STDs. If you still want to shave, make sure you don’t do it right before sex.

You’ve Had STIs Before


Because the universe is a cruel cruel place, having a history of STDs increases the risk of contracting more of them, so be extra careful if this is your case.

Why does this happen, you ask? Well, STDs generally produce tears and damages in the skin that make you more vulnerable to other types of sexually transmitted diseases.

You’re Under 24

Most cases of STDs belong to people who are between the ages of 15 and 24, which can be chalked up to the fact that younger people have less knowledge about safe sex and don’t feel as comfortable discussing the topic than the average adult. Also, they’re teens.

According to the CDC, young women are biologically more susceptible to STIs, which is another thing teen girls have to worry about.


Now this is one’s a big no-no. Research has demonstrated time and time again that douching is not only unnecessary but dangerous, doubling the amount of risk for ovarian cancer. Women who douche have an 84 percent risk of contracting STDs. Don’t be dumb. 



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