Tuesday, June 25, 2024


World Health Organization Recommends Rescheduling Marijuana

For decades the plant has been wrapped up in international drug control conventions as one of the most dangerous drugs in the world.

Marijuana Can Reverse The Aging Process In Humans

Marijuana improves the memory and learning abilities in the aging. Why does THC, the plant's psychoactive ingredient, reverse the aging process?

Citing Pressure From Nearby States, Rhode Island Gov. Proposes Full Marijuana Legalization

Rhode Island stands to generate more than $14 million in gross revenue from legal weed, but high-ranking lawmakers aren't as enthusiastic as the state's governor.

THCV: Powerful Appetite-Suppressing Cannabinoid

Cannabis is not only a medically beneficial plant, but it’s also very complex and intricate.

Sorry, But Malcolm Gladwell Is Plain Wrong About Marijuana

Malcolm Gladwell posits significant concern over the public’s embrace of cannabis without demonstrating some significant context.

FDA Commissioner Outlines Pathways For CBD In Food And Supplements

Commissioner Scott Gottlieb also emphasized that FDA “has authority to issue a regulation” that would allow these naturally-occurring hemp compounds in a food or dietary supplement.

Green Market Report: Cannabis Trends for 2019

For one, the cannabis and hemp consumers are going to become more discerning, both in terms of the quality of product as well as the purity, safety and reliability of product.

Marijuana Could Lower And Potentially Alter Sperm Count In Men

Just as scientists have previously studied what effect alcohol and tobacco could have on pregnancy, researchers have begun to place cannabis under a similar microscope.
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