Tuesday, June 25, 2024


Will Using CBD Cause Me To Fail A Drug Test?

Now that CBD has become as much of a household name as Coca-Cola, some of the patients who experiment with this alternative medicine have concerns.

Researchers Say Cannabis Helps Diabetes And High Cholesterol

The rare cannabinoid THCV, according to scientists, could provide treatments for diabetes, lower cholesterol, and other health benefits.

New Study Shows Vaping Cannabis Is The More Potent Choice

No matter if it was a lower or higher dose of THC, the concentration of the cannabinoid in the bloodstream was much higher when the herb was vaped rather than smoked.

Why Does Smart Guy Malcolm Gladwell Reject Marijuana Legalization?

In a recent interview, Gladwell admonished against cannabis legalization because of the drug’s rising potency and possible health side effects.

5 Sleep Tricks For When You’ve Tried Everything

When all else fails, try these five simple alternative sleep remedies for drifting off to dreaming, right now.

Why the 1:1 Ratio Of THC And CBD Is Canna-Magic

Used often to combat the side effects of chemotherapy like nausea and sleeplessness, the 1:1 ratio promotes calmness and tranquility.

8 Ways to Enjoy Marijuana Without Smoking It

Inhaling the combusted plant matter into your lungs isn't for everyone. Here are eight ways to practice your marijuana enthusiasm without starting a fire.

Best Low-Dose Marijuana Edibles

Here are some fantastic low-dose edibles available in states with legal recreational and medical cannabis: they will make just just a little high.
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