An addiction occurs over time and often without the addicted noticing. A recreational activity introduces itself into your life and because it’s so fun, you perform the fun act as much and as often as you can....
For some time now, Drake University has been asking—pleading? begging?—for rapper Drake to visit their campuses. The pitch makes sense. It’s like being at a dinner party and someone works in a similar field or has the...
Ever look at a platypus and wonder: now how did that happen? A bill for a face, really? Once you start questioning it, you wonder how all animals were created, or at least why evolution stopped there exactly.
Facebook continues to roll out new services to complete its role as primary internet town hall. The latest addition is its Facebook Marketplace function, which the company trickled out this week. As Facebook had discovered, many users...
We openly refer to ourselves brands. We place dog and deer Snapchat filters on presidential candidates. We are a country overrun with a clown epidemic. One or two are even running for president. Wow, Idiocracy at 10...
Everyone loves Chance the Rapper. And if you don't know or don't love Chance, he's doing just about everything he can to convince you otherwise.
The latest delightful treat from Chance comes in form of commercial for another...