Sunday, January 26, 2025

Sam Jones

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Making Cannabis Oil In A Slow Cooker Is Easy

The Fresh Toast - Combine two popular things could produce a "chill" effect. Making cannabis oil in a slow cooker is easy!

Guide To Blending Marijuana For A Personalized High

The purists will say it’s madness, but playing alchemist and blending marijuana can be a lot of fun.

Ways Marijuana Can Help Conjure True Love

As with all intoxicating substances, cannabis can be tricky in a relationship. If one is a consumer and the other one is not, conversation is crucial.

Sexual Afterglow: What It Is And Why It’s Actually Good For You

Most adults know what I’m talkin’ about when we’re talkin’ about sexual afterglow. It’s that warm and fuzzy feeling in the hours after getting intimate.

5 Serious Workouts You Can Do With Your Partner

Finding the motivation to work out can be tough if you’re doing it alone, which is why we recommend finding a workout buddy to keep you in line.

5 Sleep Tricks For When You’ve Tried Everything

When all else fails, try these five simple alternative sleep remedies for drifting off to dreaming, right now.

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