Wednesday, March 26, 2025

6 Books For The High Minded Reader On Your Holiday List

Give someone an edible and they’ll be high for an afternoon. Give someone a book on how to make edibles and you feed their body, mind and soul for life. With cannabis coming up as one of this century’s hottest topics, there are many books that teach, inspire, guide and tell tall tales to be read. And there’s nothing like the feel of an actual book in hand, should one have the passion. If you have a cannabis lover on your list, one of these six books is sure to delight.

Cannabis: A Beginner’s Guide to Growing Marijuana


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If your loved one lives in a state that has implemented laws that incorporate cultivation, growing their own weed can be one of the most fulfilling practices to take on. Though cannabis grows like a weed, it still takes elbow grease and finesse to cultivate a rockstar cultivar. This book by longtime senior cultivation editor of High Times Magazine Danny Danko covers all the bases and beyond, and because of his hard earned expertise in all things cannabis, there’s something to be learned at every level of growing within its pages.

The Cannabis Manifesto


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This highly encompassing book by Steve DeAngelo, founder of Harborside, the world’s largest medical marijuana dispensary, DeAngelo’s insights are priceless – or maybe $18.95 in paperback. Still, from being a call to rally together and take action to the idea that cannabis not should, but must, be legalized, for the sake of social justice, patients and the health of the world at large, this manifesto will inspire any cannabis enthusiast on your list.

Bong Appétit


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Based of of MUNCHIES and the Viceland series Bong Appétit, this cookbook has recipes in it that will please almost any pallette. Sweet to savory, cocktails to milky concoctions, they sprinkle in dosage recommendations and strain and flavor pairings that make all the difference in an infused experience. This one’s for the canna-cook in your circle and is sure to be a hit.

The Little Book of Cannabis


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The easy read of a book is for the friend or family member who’s maybe stuck their little toe into the ocean of cannabis, but hasn’t ever really taken the full plunge. This stigma crushing, health inspiring, honest little book on all things cannabis is by journalist Amanda Siebert, who spoke with top medical professionals and cannabis experts around the globe to put together a concise guide for those who have more to learn. And isn’t that all of us, really?

The Emperor Wears No Clothes


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If any one of your cannabis and hemp loving cohorts hasn’t yet read this mish-mash of a delectable read on everything marijuana by the legendary Hemperor himself, Jack Herer, then this is a must-gift. It’s the original, self-published masterpiece that gathers together factoids and theories that range from profoundly inspirational to incredibly disturbing. From government cover-ups and conglomerate greed to saving the planet via hemp, this book was part of the original heart and soul of the marijuana movement.

Brave New Weed


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A romp of storytelling and fact checking that emcompasses a worldwide journey, Brave New Weed will have its recipient on one hand lamenting all the wasted years of prohibition and their heavy outcomes and on the other delighting in all the great things that have come out of the now burgeoning industry: new strains, new ways to imbibe, new information on the plant we all hold dear all can all be found between the covers.


A Quick Lesson In The Difference In Whiskeys

There seems to one for everybody, so here is a quick lesson in the difference in whiskeys.


Winter Hacks To Get Fit While High

Winter is a different kind of wonderland for those who prefer any of the other three seasons, especially summer. It becomes a time when being homebound isn’t so bad.

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